Example # Disable the tunnel function on the called gateway.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] undo voip called-tunnel enable
voip called-start
Syntax voip called-start { fast | normal }
undo voip called-start
View Voice view
Parameter fast: The called GW initializes calls in a fast way.
normal: The called GW initializes calls in a non-fast way.
Description Use the
voip call-start command to configure a call initialization mode for the
called GW.
Use the
undo voip call-start command to restore the default.
By default, the fast connection mode is used for call initialization.
As the process of faculty negotiation is omitted in fast connection procedures, the
faculties of the two parties are determined by the GW. If a router acts as a calling
GW, you can enable or disable fast connection for each channel of initiated calls. If
it acts as a called GW, it will use or not use the fast connection mode to initialize
calls depending on the parameters of the voip call-start command, in the case
that the calling GW uses the fast connection mode.
Related command: fast-connect.
Example # Configure the called gateway to initialize calls in normal mode.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] voip called-start normal
voip timer
Syntax voip timer voip-to-pots time
undo voip timer voip-to-pots
View Voice view
Parameter voip-to-pots time: Duration in seconds for switching from a VoIP entity to a
backup POTS entity after a call failure, in the range of 3 to 30.