Examples # Assign an IPv6 address with the 64-bit prefix to Ethernet1/0 and configure a
summary with the 35-bit prefix.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] ipv6 address 2001:200::3EFF:FE11:6770/64
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] ripng summary-address 2001:200:: 35
Syntax timers { garbage-collect garbage-collect-value | suppress suppress-value | timeout
timeout-value | update update-value }*
undo timers { garbage-collect | suppress | timeout | update }*
View RIPng view
Parameters garbage-collect-value: Interval of the garbage-collect timer in seconds, in the
range of 1 to 86400.
suppress-value: Interval of the suppress timer in seconds, in the range of 0 to
timeout-value: Interval of the timeout timer in seconds, in the range of 1 to
update-value: Interval of the update timer in seconds, in the range of 1 to 86400.
Description Use the
timers command to configure RIPng timers.
Use the undo timers command to restore the default.
By default, the garbage-collect timer is 120 seconds, the suppress timer 120
seconds, the timeout timer 180 seconds, and the update timer 30 seconds.
RIPng is controlled by the above four timers.
■ The update timer defines the interval between update messages.
■ The timeout timer defines the route aging time. If no update message related
to a route is received within the aging time, the metric of the route is set to 16
in the routing table.
■ The suppress timer defines how long a RIPng route stays in the suppressed
state. When the metric of a route is 16, the route enters the suppressed state.
In the suppressed state, only routes which come from the same neighbor and
whose metric is less than 16 will be received by the router to replace
unreachable routes.
■ The garbage-collect timer defines the interval from when the metric of a route
becomes 16 to when it is deleted from the routing table. During the
garbage-collect timer length, RIPng advertises the route with the routing metric
set to 16. If no update message is announced for that route before the