# Display the routing statistics of RIP process 1.
<Sysname> display rip 1 route statistics
Peer Aging Permanent Garbage 2 0 3 2 0 4
Total 4 0 7
filter-policy export (RIP view)
Syntax filter-policy { acl-number | ip-prefix ip-prefix-name } export [ protocol
[ process-id ]] [interface-type interface-number ]
undo filter-policy export [ protocol [ process-id ]] [interface-type interface-number ]
View RIP view
Parameters acl-number: Number of the Access Control List (ACL) used for filtering outbound
routes, in the range of 2000 to 3999.
Table 281 Description on the fields of the display rip route command
Field Description
Route Flags R - RIP route
T - TRIP route
P - The route never expires
A - The route is aging
S - The route is suppressed
G - The route is in Garbage-collect state
Peer on Ethernet1/0 Routing information learned on a RIP interface from
the specified neighbor
Destination/Mask Destination IP address and subnet mask
Nexthop Next hop of the route
Cost Cost of the route
Tag Route tag
Flags Indicates the route state
Sec Remaining time of the timer corresponding to the
route state
Table 282 Description on the fields of the display rip route statistics command
Field Description
Peer IP address of a neighbor
Aging Total number of aging routes learned from the specified neighbor
Permanent Total number of permanent routes learned from the specified
Garbage Total number of routes in the garbage-collection state learned from
the specified neighbor
Total Total number of routes learned from all RIP neighbors