
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp bpdu-protection
stp bridge-diameter
Syntax stp bridge-diameter bridge-number
undo stp bridge-diameter
View System view
Parameters bridge-number: Specifies the switched network diameter, in the range of 2 to 7.
Description Use the
stp bridge-diameter command to specify the network diameter,
namely the maximum number of stations between any two terminal devices on
the switched network.
Use the
undo stp bridge-diameter command to restore the default network
diameter setting.
By default, the network diameter of the switched network is 7.
An appropriate setting of hello time, forward delay and max age can speed up
network convergence. The values of these timers are related to the network size.
You can set these three timers indirectly by setting the network diameter. Based on
the network diameter you configured, MSTP automatically sets an optimal hello
time, forward delay, and max age for the device. With the network diameter set to
7 (the default), the three timer are also set to their defaults.
Note that this configuration is effective for the CIST and root bridge only, and not
for MSTIs.
Related commands: stp timer forward-delay, stp timer hello, and stp timer max-age.
Examples # Set the network diameter of the switched network to 5.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp bridge-diameter 5
stp compliance
Syntax stp compliance { auto | dot1s | legacy }
undo stp compliance
View Ethernet interface view, port group view
Parameters auto: Configures the port(s) to recognize the MSTP BPDU format automatically
and accordingly determine the format of MSTP BPDUs to send.