Example # Create a Martini MPLS L2VPN connection.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] mpls l2vc 999
mpls l2vpn
Syntax mpls l2vpn
undo mpls l2vpn
View System view
Parameter None
Description Use the
mpls l2vpn command to enable MPLS L2VPN.
Use the undo mpls l2vpn command to disable MPLS L2VPN and delete all
L2VPN configurations.
You must use the mpls l2vpn command to enable MPLS L2VPN before
configuring the other L2VPN commands.
Example # Enable MPLS L2VPN.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] mpls l2vpn
mpls l2vpn vpn-name
Syntax mpls l2vpn vpn-name [ encapsulation { atm-aal5 | ethernet | fr | hdlc | ppp | vlan }
[ control-word | no-control-word ]]
undo mpls l2vpn vpn-name
View System view/MPLS L2VPN view
Parameter vpn-name: Name for the VPN, a case insensitive string of 1 to 31 characters that
cannot include the character of “-”. It is used to identify a VPN uniquely on a PE.
encapsulation: Specifies the VPN encapsulation type.
atm-aal5: Uses ATM AAL5 encapsulation.
ethernet: Uses Ethernet encapsulation.
fr: Uses FR encapsulation.
hdlc: Uses HDLC encapsulation.