
display ipv6 neighbors
Syntax display ipv6 neighbors { ipv6-address | all | dynamic | interface interface-type
interface-number | static | vlan vlan-id } [ | { begin | exclude | include } string ]
View Any view
Parameter ipv6-address: IPv6 address whose neighbor information is to be displayed.
all: Displays information of all neighbors, including neighbors acquired
dynamically and configured statically.
dynamic: Displays information of all neighbors acquired dynamically.
static: Displays information of all neighbors configured statically.
interface interface-type interface-number: Displays information of the neighbors
of a specified interface.
vlan vlan-id: Displays information of the neighbors of a specified VLAN whose ID
ranges from 1 to 4094.
|: Filters the output information.
begin: Displays the neighbor entries from the first one containing the specified
character string.
include: Displays the neighbor entries containing the specified character string.
exclude: Displays the neighbor entries without the specified character string.
string: A case-sensitive string, consisting of 1 to 256 characters.
Description Use the
display ipv6 neighbors command to display neighbor information.
Example # Display all neighbor information.
<Sysname> display ipv6 neighbors all
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic
(s) Spoofing attribute of the interface, that is, the link protocol state of
the interface is up, but the link does not exist, or the link is
established on demand, instead of being permanent.
Interface Name of the interface
Physical Physical state of the interface
Protocol Link protocol state of the interface
IPv6 Address IPv6 address of the interface. Only the first of configured IPv6
addresses is displayed. (If no address is configured for the interface,
“Unassigned” will be displayed.)
Table 175 Description on fields of display ipv6 interface brief (on a router)
Field Description