display ospf lsdb
Syntax display ospf [ process-id ] lsdb [ brief | [ { ase | router | network | summary | asbr |
nssa | opaque-link | opaque-area | opaque-as } [ link-state-id ]] [originate-router
advertising-router-id | self-originate ]]
View Any view
Parameters process-id: OSPF process ID, in the range 1 to 65535.
brief: Displays brief LSDB information.
ase: Displays Type5 LSA (AS External LSA) information in the LSDB.
router: Displays Type1 LSA (Router LSA) information in the LSDB.
network: Displays Type2 LSA (Network LSA) information in the LSDB.
summary: Displays Type3 LSA (Network Summary LSA) information in the LSDB.
asbr: Displays Type4 LSA (ASBR Summary LSA) information in the LSDB.
nssa: Displays Type7 LSA (NSSA External LSA) information in the LSDB.
opaque-link: Displays Type9 LSA (Opaque-link LSA) information in the LSDB.
opaque-area: Displays Type10 LSA (Opaque-area LSA) information in the LSDB.
opaque-as: Displays Type11 LSA (Opaque-AS LSA) information in the LSDB.
link-state-id: Link state ID, in the IP address format.
originate-router advertising-router-id: Specifies the IP address of the router by
which to display information of LSAs advertised.
self-originate: Displays information about LSAs originated by this router.
Description Use the
display ospf lsdb command to display LSDB information.
If no OSPF process is specified, LSDB information of all OSPF processes is displayed.
Examples # Display OSPF LSDB information.
<Sysname> display ospf lsdb
OSPF Process 1 with Router ID
Link State Database
DR The DR on the interface’s network segment
BDR The BDR on the interface’s network segment
Table 267 Description on the fields of the display ospf interface command
Field Description