Parameter max-power: Maximum power in watts of the PSE. The support for the value varies
with devices.
pse pse-id: Specifies a PSE ID. The support for this argument varies with devices.
pse-id indicates number of the slot where a PoE interface locates.
Description Use the
poe max-power command to configure the maximum power for the
Use the
undo poe max-power command to restore the default maximum
power of the PSE.
The default maximum power of the PSE varies with devices.
Note that:
■ The maximum power of the PSE must be greater than or equal to the sum of
the maximum power of all critical PoE interfaces on the PSE so as to guarantee
the power supply to these PoE interfaces. When the consumption power of all
PDs connected to the PSE is greater than the maximum power of the PSE, some
PDs will be powered off.
■ The sum of the maximum power of all PSEs must be less than the maximum
PoE power.
Related command: poe priority (system view).
Example # Set the maximum power of PSE 2 to 150 watts.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] poe max-power 150 pse 2
poe mode
Syntax poe mode { signal | spare }
undo poe mode
View PoE interface view/PoE-profile file view
Parameter signal: Specifies the PoE mode as signal (power over signal cables).
spare: Specifies the PoE mode as spare (power over spare cables).
Description Use the
poe mode command to configure a PoE mode.
Use the
undo poe mode command to restore the default PoE mode.
By default, the PoE mode is signal (power over signal cables).
The PSE supplies power for a PoE interface in the following two modes: signal
and spare.