ip-prefix ip-prefix-name: Name of the IP prefix list used for filtering outbound
routes, a string of 1 to 19 characters.
protocol: Filters outbound routes redistributed from a specified routing protocol,
which can be bgp, direct, isis, ospf, rip, and static.
process-id: Process number of the specified routing protocol, in the range of 1 to
65535. You need to specify a process ID when the routing protocol is rip, ospf, or
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface.
Description Use the
filter-policy export command to configure RIP to filer advertised
routing information.
Use the
undo filter-policy export command to cancel the filtering of
advertised routing information.
By default, RIP does not filter outbound routes.
Note that:
■ If protocol is specified, RIP filters only the routes redistributed from the
specified routing protocol. Otherwise, RIP filters all routes to be advertised.
■ If interface-type interface-number is specified, RIP filters only the routes
advertised by the specified interface. Otherwise, RIP filters routes advertised by
all RIP interfaces.
Related commands: acl on page 2087, import-route (RIP view), and ip ip-prefix on page 1210.
Examples # Reference ACL 2000 to filter outbound routes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rip 1
[Sysname-rip-1] filter-policy 2000 export
# Reference IP prefix list abc to filter outbound routes on Ethernet1/0.
[Sysname-rip-1] filter-policy ip-prefix abc export static ethernet 1/0
filter-policy import (RIP view)
Syntax filter-policy { acl-number | gateway ip-prefix-name | ip-prefix ip-prefix-name
[ gateway ip-prefix-name ]} import [ interface-type interface-number ]
undo filter-policy import [ interface-type interface-number ]
View RIP view
Parameters acl-number: Number of the Access Control List (ACL) used for filtering received
routes, in the range of 2000 to 3999.