
Parameter username: Other login username.
password: Login password.
Description Use the
user command to relog onto the currently accessing FTP server with other
username after you have logged onto the FTP server.
Before using this command, you must configure the corresponding username and
password on the FTP server; otherwise, you login fails and the FTP connection is
Example # User ftp1 has logged onto the FTP server and relogs onto the current FTP server
with the username of ftp2. (Suppose username ftp2 and password
123123123123 have been configured on the FTP server).
[ftp] user ftp2
331 Password required for ftp2.
230 User logged in.
Syntax verbose
undo verbose
View FTP client view
Parameter None
Description Use the
verbose command to enable the verbose function to display detailed
prompt information.
Use the
undo verbose command to disable the verbose function.
By default, the verbose function is enabled.
Example # Enable the verbose function.
[ftp] verbose
FTP: verbose is on