<Sysname> display pim ipv6 bsr-info
Elected BSR Address: 2004::2
Priority: 0
Hash mask length: 126
State: Elected
Uptime: 00:01:10
Next BSR message scheduled at: 00:00:48
Candidate BSR Address: 2004::2
Priority: 0
Hash mask length: 126
State: Elected
Candidate RP: 2001::1(LoopBack1)
Priority: 0
HoldTime: 130
Advertisement Interval: 60
Next advertisement scheduled at: 00:00:48
Candidate RP: 2002::1(Ethernet1/0)
Priority: 20
HoldTime: 90
Advertisement Interval: 50
Next advertisement scheduled at: 00:00:28
Candidate RP: 2003::1(Ethernet1/1)
Priority: 0
HoldTime: 80
Advertisement Interval: 60
Next advertisement scheduled at: 00:00:48
display pim ipv6 claimed-route
Syntax display pim ipv6 claimed-route [ ipv6-source-address ]
View Any view
Table 354 Description on the fields of the display pim ipv6 bsr-info command
Field Description
Elected BSR Address IPv6 address of the elected BSR
Candidate BSR Address Address of the candidate BSR
Priority BSR priority
Hash mask length Hash mask length for RP selection calculation
State BSR state
Uptime Length of time since this BSR was elected
Next BSR message scheduled at Remaining time of this BSR
Candidate RP Address of the C-RP
Priority Priority of the C-RP
HoldTime Timeout time of the C-RP
Advertisement Interval Interval between C-RP-Adv messages
Next BSR message scheduled at Remaining time before the C-RP will send the next
C-RP-Adv message