Length: 19
*Aug 24 15:32:02:674 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP. : Current event is RecvKeepAliveMessage.
*Aug 24 15:32:02:674 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: State is changed from OPENCONFIRM to ESTABLISHED.
// BGP has established the peer relationship successfully.
The display above is the debugging information shown by executing the
debugging bgp all command on Device A. If the peer relationship between two
devices cannot be established, you can compare the above debugging information
with the actual debugging information to locate the fault. For detailed
descriptions on the specific messages, refer to the commands below.
debugging bgp detail
Syntax debugging bgp detail
undo debugging bgp detail
View User view
Default Level 1: Monitor level
Parameters None
Description Use the
debugging bgp detail command to enable detailed debugging for
Use the
undo debugging bgp detail command to disable detailed debugging
for BGP.
Enabling debugging may affect system performance; therefore, use this command
only when necessary. Disable debugging once the debugging operation is
By default, detailed debugging for BGP is disabled.
Table 224 Description on the fields of the debugging bgp detail command
Field Description
BGP.xxx BGP instance name
BGP can’t get physical interface index for
BGP cannot get the physical interface index
for destination X.X.X.X.
Fail to search Token for destination X.X.X.X Token search for destination X.X.X.X failed.
Allocate token failed. destination=
Failed to allocate Token: destination X.X.X.X,
LSP error code X
There are XX routes allocate token failed at
this time before
Failed to allocate Tokens for XX routes
Recv UPDATE with following RD XXX Received an Update message with RD XXX