acl ipv6
Syntax acl ipv6 number acl6-number [ name acl6-name ] [ match-order { auto | config }]
undo acl ipv6 { all | name acl6-name | number acl6-number }
View System view
Parameter acl6-number: IPv6 ACL number. It is a value in one of the following ranges:
■ 2000 to 2999 for basic IPv6 ACLs
■ 3000 to 3999 for advanced IPv6 ACLs
■ 10000 to 42767 for simple IPv6 ACLs
name acl6-name: Specifies the name of the ACL, which is a case insensitive string
of 1 to 32 characters. It must start with an English letter and cannot be the English
word of all to avoid confusion.
match-order: Sets the order in which ACL rules are matched.
■ auto: Performs depth-first match. For how depth-first match works, refer to
the "IPv6 ACL Match Order" section in accompanied ACL Configuration.
■ config: Performs matching against rules in the order in which they are
all: All IPv6 ACLs.
Description Use the acl ipv6 command to enter IPv6 ACL view. If the ACL does not exist, it is
created first.
Use the
undo acl ipv6 command to remove a specified or all IPv6 ACLs.
By default, the match order is config.
Note that:
■ The match order setting is not available for simple IPv6 ACLs, because a simple
IPv6 ACL can contain only one rule.