
View VPN domain view
Parameter none: Specifies not to authenticate clients.
pap: Specifies to adopt PAP (password authentication protocol) authentication.
chap: Specifies to adopt CHAP (challenge authentication protocol) authentication.
domain name-string: Specifies the ISP domain for authentication by its name,
which is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 24 characters.
Description Use the
authentication-method command to configure the mode for the VAM
server to authenticate clients.
Use the
undo authentication-method command to restore the default.
By default, CHAP authentication is adopted and the ISP domain is the default
domain of the system that you configure.
Related command: vam server vpn, authentication-algorithm.
Example # Set the VAM server to authenticate clients using CHAP.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vam server vpn 1
[Sysname-vam-server-vpn-1] authentication-method chap
display vam server address-map
Syntax display vam server address-map { all | vpn vpn-name [ private-ip private-ip ]}
View Any view
Parameter all: Displays address mapping information about all registered VAM clients on the
VAM server.
vpn vpn-name: Displays address mapping information about all registered VAM
clients in the VPN domain. The vpn-name argument indicates the VPN domain
name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 15 characters.
private-ip private-ip: Displays address mapping information about the VAM client
with the specified private IP address. The private-ip argument indicates the private
IP address of the VAM client.
Description Use the
display vam server address-map command to display address
mapping information about the registered clients on the server.
Example # Display mapping information of the VAM clients in VPN domain 1.
<Sysname> display vam server address-map vpn 1
VPN name: 1