When restoring the default GARP timers, you are recommended to do that on the
timers in the order of hold, join, leave, and leaveall.
When configuring GARP timers, note that their values are dependent on each
other and must be a multiplier of five centiseconds. If the value range for a timer is
not desired, you may change it by tuning the value of another timer as shown in
the following table:
Related command: display garp timer.
Example # Set the GARP join timer to 25 centiseconds, assuming that both the hold timer
and the leave timer are using the default.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] garp timer join 25
garp timer leaveall
Syntax garp timer leaveall timer-value
undo garp timer leaveall
View System view
Parameter timer-value: Leaveall timer setting, in the range 65 to 32765 (in centiseconds).
Note that the setting of the leaveall timer must be a multiple of 5 and must be
greater than the leave timer settings of all the ports.
Description Use the
garp timer leaveall command to set the leaveall timer of GARP.
Use the
undo garp timer leaveall command to restore the default. This may
fail if the default is less than the setting of the current leave timer.
By default, the setting of the leaveall timer is 1000 centiseconds (that is, 10
A leaveall timer starts upon the start of a GARP application entity. When this timer
expires, the entity sends a LeaveAll message so that other entities can re-register
its attribute information and starts another leaveall timer at the same time.
Table 53 Dependencies of GARP timers
Timer Lower limit Upper limit
Hold 10 centiseconds Not greater than half of the
join timer setting
Join Not less than two times the hold timer
Less than half of the leave
timer setting
Leave Greater than two times the join timer
Less than the leaveall timer
Leaveall Greater than the leave timer setting 32765 centiseconds