display ipx routing-table statistics
Syntax display ipx routing-table statistics
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display ipx routing-table statistics command to display IPX routing
Example # Display IPX routing statistics.
<Sysname> display ipx routing-table statistics
Routing tables:
Proto/State route active added deleted freed
Direct 1 1 2 1 1
Static 2 1 2 0 0
RIP 00000
Default 0 0 0 0 0
Total 3 2 4 1 1
display ipx service-table
Syntax display ipx service-table [ inactive | name name | network network | order { network
| type } | type service-type ] [ verbose ]
View Any view
Parameter inactive: Displays inactive service information.
name name: Displays the service information of a server. The name is a string of 1
to 47 characters.
network network: Displays service information on a network number which is a
hexadecimal number in the range of 0x1 to 0xFFFFFFFF. Leading 0s can be
Table 661 Description on the fields of the display ipx routing-table statistics command
Field Description
Proto/State Routing protocol
route The number of routes, including active and inactive routes
active Active routes
added The number of added routes
deleted The number of deleted routes
freed The number of released routes