
import-route(OSPFv3 view)
Syntax import-route { isisv6 process-id | ospfv3 process-id | ripng process-id | bgp4+
[ allow-ibgp ] | direct | static } [ cost value | type type | route-policy
route-policy-name ]*
undo import-route { isis process-id | ospfv3 process-id | ripng process-id | bgp4+ |
direct | static }
View OSPFv3 view
Parameters isisv6 process-id: Specifies a process ID of ISIS to redistribute ISIS routes with the
process ID, in the range 1 to 65535.
ospfv3 process-id: Specifies a process ID of OSPFv3 to redistribute OSPFv3 routes
with the process ID, in the range 1 to 65535.
ripng process-id: Specifies a process ID of ripng to redistribute ripng routes with
the process ID, in the range 1 to 65535.
bgp4+: Specifies to redistribute bgp4+ routes.
allow-ibgp: Allows redistributing IBGP route.
direct: Specifies to redistribute direct routes.
static: Specifies to redistributes static routes.
cost value: Specifies the cost for redistributed routes, ranging from 1 to
16777214. It defaults to 1.
type type: Specifies the type for redistributed routes, 1 or 2. It defaults to 2.
route-policy route-policy-name: Specifies to redistribute only the routes that
match the specified route-policy. route-policy-name is a string of up to 19
CAUTION: Using the import-route bgp4+ command redistributes only EBGP
routes, while using the import-route bgp4+ allow-ibgp command redistributes
both EBGP and IBGP routes.
Description Use the
import-route command to redistribute routes.
Use the undo import-route command to disable routes redistribution.
IPv6 OSPFv3 does not redistribute routes from other protocols by default.
Examples # Configure to redistribute routes from RIPng and specify the type as type 2 and
cost as 50.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ospfv3
[Sysname-ospfv3-1] import-route ripng 10 type 2 cost 50