Syntax ping [ ip ] [ -a source-ip | -c count | -f | -h ttl | -i interface-type interface-number | -m
interval | -n | -p pad | -q | -r | -s packet-size | -t timeout | -tos tos | -v | -vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] * remote-system
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Parameter ip: Supports IPv4 protocol.
-a source-ip: Specifies the source IP address of an ICMP echo request. It must be a
legal IP address configured on the device.
-c count: Specifies the number of times that an ICMP echo request is sent, in the
range 1 to 4294967295. The default value is 5.
-f: Discards packets larger than the MTU of a given interface, that is, the ICMP
echo request is not allowed to be fragmented.
-h ttl: Specifies the TTL value for an ICMP echo request, in the range 1 to 255. The
default value is 255.
-i interface-type interface-number: Specifies the ICMP echo request sending
interface by its type and number.
-m interval: Specifies the interval (in milliseconds) to send an ICMP echo response,
in the range 1 to 65535. The default value is 200 ms.
■ If a response from the destination is received within the timeout time, the
interval to send the next echo request equals the actual response period plus
the value of interval.
■ If no response from the destination is received within the timeout time, the
interval to send the next echo request equals the timeout value plus the value
of interval.
-n: Specifies that the Domain Name System (DNS) is disabled. DNS is enabled by
default, that is, the hostname is translated into an address.
-p pad: Specifies the padded bytes in an ICMP echo request, in hexadecimal
format. For example, if pad is configured as ff, then the packets will be padded
with ff. By default, the padded bytes start from 0x01 up to 0xff where another
round starts again if necessary.