Common Configuration Commands” on page 1187 for routing policy
protocol: Filter routes redistributed from the specified routing protocol before
advertisement. The routing protocol can be bgp4+, direct, isisv6, ospfv3, ripng
or static at present. If no protocol is specified, routes redistributed from all
protocols are filtered before advertisement.
process-id: Process ID of the routing protocol, ranging from 1 to 65535. This
argument is available when the protocol is isisv6, ospfv3 or ripng.
Description Use the
ipv6 filter-policy export command to configure IPv6 IS-IS to filter
redistributed routes before advertisement.
Use the
undo ipv6 filter-policy export command to disable the filtering.
The filtering is disabled by default.
In some cases, only routes satisfying certain conditions will be advertised. You can
configure the filtering conditions using the ipv6 filter-policy command.
You can use the ipv6 filter-policy export command, which filters redistributed
routes only when they are advertised to other routers, in combination with the
ipv6 import-route command.
■ If no protocol is specified, routes redistributed from all protocols are filtered
before advertisement.
■ If a protocol is specified, only routes redistributed from the protocol are filtered
before advertisement.
Related commands: ipv6 filter-policy import.
Examples # Reference the ACL6 2006 to filter all the redistributed routes before
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis
[Sysname-isis-1] ipv6 filter-policy 2006 export
ipv6 filter-policy import
Syntax ipv6 filter-policy { acl6-number | ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix-name | route-policy
route-policy-name } import
undo ipv6 filter-policy import
View IS-IS view
Parameters acl6-number: Number of a basic or advanced IPv6 ACL used to filter incoming
routes, ranging from 2000 to 3999.