vpn-target (MPLS L2VPN view)
Syntax vpn-target vpn-target&<1-16> [ both | export-extcommunity |
import-extcommunity ]
undo vpn-target { all | { vpn-target&<1-16> [ both | export-extcommunity |
import-extcommunity ]}
View MPLS L2VPN view
Parameter vpn-target: VPN target extended community attributes to be added to the import
or export VPN target extended community list, in the format of nn:nn or
IP-address:nn. It can be a string of 3 to 21 characters. &<1-16> means that you
can specify this argument for up to 16 times.
A VPN target can be in either of the following formats:
■ 16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number. For example, 101:3.
■ 32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number. For example,
both: Specifies both the export and import VPN extended communities. This is the
export-extcommunity: Specifies the export VPN extended community.
import-extcommunity: Specifies the import VPN extended community.
all: Specifies both the import and export VPN extended communities.
Description Use the
vpn-target command to associate a particular VPN with one or more
VPN targets.
Use the
undo vpn-target command to delete the VPN target(s) associated with
a particular VPN.
There is no default value for a VPN target. You must configure it when creating the
Example # Associate VPN vpn1 with VPN targets.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] mpls l2vpn vpn1 encapsulation ppp
[Sysname-mpls-l2vpn-vpn1] route-distinguisher 300:1
[Sysname-mpls-l2vpn-vpn1] vpn-target 1:1 2:2 export-extcommunity
[Sysname-mpls-l2vpn-vpn1] vpn-target import-extcommunity