* 2 1 1 2067 C CONNECTING
display dlsw reachable-cache
Syntax display dlsw reachable-cache
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display dlsw reachable-cache command to view the reachability
information of DLSw.
Example # Display the reachability information of DLSw.
<Sysname> display dlsw reachable-cache
LOCAL MAC addresses in cache
MAC address Status Interface Remain time
REMOTE MAC addresses in cache
MAC address Status Peer Type Remain time
0102-2103-5641 FOUND DYNAMIC 15
6500-7201-8160 FOUND CONFIG 15
Table 35 Description on the fields of the display dlsw remote command
Field Description
Remote peer type Type of the remote peer
■ D: the remote peer was dynamically learned
■ C: the remote peer was manually configured
Total peers number Total number of remote peers
IP address Remote peer IP address (if preceded by a *, this remote peer can
establish a connection; otherwise, this remote peer is inactive and
only serves as a backup)
frame-in Number of frames the local peer has received from this remote
frame-out Number of frames the local peer has sent to this remote peer
frame-drop Number of frames dropped due to errors while the local peer
sent/received frames to/from this remote peer
port Port number for the TCP connection
■ 2065: DLSw v1.0
■ 2067: DLSw v2.0
type Type of the remote peer
state Status of the connection:
■ CONNECT: a TCP connection has been established
■ DISCONNECT: no TCP connection has been established
■ CONNECTING: a TCP connection is being established
lifetime Length of time for which the connection has been up