
The value of the enable-threshold must be bigger than that of the
If a backup interface has been started, the execution of the undo standby
threshold command shuts down all backup interfaces.
Use this command on main interfaces.
Use this command after backup interfaces are specified.
Related command: standby interface and standby bandwidth.
Example # Configure the enable-threshold of load sharing on interface Serial 2/0 to 80 and
the disable-threshold to 50.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] standby threshold 80 50
standby timer delay
Syntax standby timer delay enable-delay disable-delay
undo standby timer delay
View Interface view
Parameter enable-delay: Specifies failover delay, or the delay for the interface to switch its
state from main to standby. It ranges from 0 to 65535 seconds.
disable-delay: Fallback delay, or the delay for the interface to switch from backup
to main. It ranges from 0 to 65535 seconds.
Description Use the
standby timer delay command to set failover and fallback delays on
the interface.
Use the
undo standby timer delay command to restore the default.
By default, failover and fallback delays on the main and backup interfaces are both
0, indicating immediate switch without any delay.
Note that this command can be executed after backup interfaces are specified.
Related command: standby interface.
Example # Configure interface Serial 2/1 to use interface Serial 2/0 for backup, and to
experience 10 seconds of delay before failover or fallback.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] standby interface serial 2/1
[Sysname-Serial2/0] standby timer delay 10 10