Parameter cell: Internal cell loopback for checking that the local physical chip is operating.
local: Internal loopback for checking that the local service chip is operating.
payload: External payload loopback for checking that payload framing is normal.
remote: External loopback for checking that the remote end is normal.
Description Use the
loopback command to configure the loopback mode on the ATM E1/T1
Use the
undo loopback command to disable loopback.
By default, loopback is disabled.
Example # Enable external payload loopback on ATM E1/T1 interface 5/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 5/0
[Sysname-Atm5/0] loopback payload
Syntax min-active-links number
undo min-active-links
View IMA group interface view
Parameter number: Number of links, in the range 1 to 8.
Description Use the
min-active-links command to configure the minimum number of links
required for the IMA group to work.
Use the
undo min-active-links command to restore the default, that is, 1.
Example # Set the minimum number of links required for IMA group 1 to operate to 2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 5/0
[Sysname-Atm5/0] ima ima-group 1
[Sysname-Atm5/0] interface ima-group 5/1
[Sysname-Ima-group5/1] min-active-links 2
Syntax scramble
undo scramble
View ATM E1/T1 interface view