Syntax shutdown
undo shutdown
View VLAN interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
shutdown command to shut down a VLAN interface.
Use the
undo shutdown command to bring up a VLAN interface.
By default, the VLAN interface is down if all ports in the VLAN are down, as long
as one port in the VLAN is up, the VLAN interface will be up
You can use the undo shutdown command to bring up a VLAN interface after
configurations of the related parameter and protocol. When there is a fault in a
VLAN interface, you can use the shutdown command to shut down the interface
and then bring it up using the undo shutdown command. In this way, the
interface will resume Shutting down/bringing up a VLAN interface does not affect
any Ethernet ports in the VLAN. The state of an Ethernet port does not change
with the VLAN interface state.
Example # Shut down the VLAN interface and then bring it up.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 2
[Sysname-Vlan-interface2] shutdown
[Sysname-Vlan-interface2] undo shutdown
Syntax vlan { vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] | all }
undo vlan { vlan-id1 [ to vlan-id2 ] | all }
View System view
Parameter vlan-id1: VLAN ID, in the range of 1 to 4,094.
vlan-id1 to vlan-id2: Specifies a VLAN range. Both the vlan-id1 argument and the
vlan-id2 argument are in the range of 1 to 4094.
all: Creates or deletes all VLANs except reserved VLANs. The keyword is not
supported when the number of maximum VLANs that can be created on a device
is less than 4094.
Description Use the
vlan vlan-id command to create specified VLAN(s).