
display isis statistics
Syntax display isis statistics [ level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2 ] [ process-id | vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]
View Any view
Parameters level-1: IS-IS Level-1 statistic information.
level-2: IS-IS Level-2 statistic information.
level-1-2: IS-IS Level-1-2 statistic information.
process-id: Specifies an IS-IS process ID, in the range of 1 to 65535.
vpn-instance-name: Specifies a VPN instance name, a string of 1 to 31 characters.
Description Use the
display isis statistics command to display the statistic information of
IS-IS process, including the number of routes learned from other IS-IS routers, the
number of routes redistributed from other protocols and the number of LSP
generated locally.
Examples # Display IS-IS statistic information.
<Sysname> display isis statistics
Statistics information for ISIS(1)
Level-1 Statistics
Learnt routes information:
Total IPv4 Learnt Destinations: 4
Total IPv6 Learnt Destinations: 0
Imported routes information:
IPv4 Imported Routes:
Static: 0 Direct: 0
ISIS: 0 BGP: 0
RIP: 0 OSPF: 0
IPv6 Imported Routes:
Static: 0 Direct: 0
ISISv6: 0 BGP4+: 0
RIPng: 0 OSPFv3: 0
Lsp information:
Duration SPF calculation duration
StartTime SPF calculation start time
Table 241 Description on the fields of the display isis spf-log command
Field Description