
*0.110343 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Sending DHCPDISCOVER packet succeeded.
*0.110343 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: FSM state transfer(INIT-->SELECTING) successfully.
// The DHCP client sent the DHCP-DISCOVER message successfully, and the state of
the DHCP client is changed from INIT to SELECTING.
*0.111218 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Receive a packet.
*0.111218 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Receive a DHCP packet...
Head : op(BOOTPREPLY); htype(ETHERNET); hlen(6); xid(0x43c130ff);
ciaddr(; yiaddr(; chaddr(00e0-fc14-1601);
Option : type(DHCPOFFER); mask(; lease(86400);
T1(43200); T2(75600); server(;
*0.111218 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Select as the server.
// The DHCP client received a DHCP-OFFER message from the DHCP server at The assigned IP address is, and the lease period is 86400
seconds (one day).
*0.111218 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Send a Dhcp packet...
Head : op(1); htype(ETHERNET); hlen(6); xid(0x442ac688);
ciaddr(; yiaddr(; chaddr(00e0-fc14-1601);
Options :
63 82 53 63 35 01 03 0C 06 63 6C 69 65 6E 74 32
04 16 00 00 02 36 04 0B 00 00 01 37 04 01 03 06
0F 39 02 04 80 3C 10 00 00 00 00 44 65 63 00 4E
6F 76 00 4F 63 74 00 3D 20 00 30 30 65 30 2E 66
63 31 34 2E 31 36 30 31 2D 56 6C 61 6E 2D 69 6E
74 65 72 66 61 63 65 32 32 FF
*0.111218 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Sending DHCPREQUEST packet succeeded.
*0.111218 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: FSM state transfer(SELECTING-->REQUESTING) successfully.
// The DHCP client sent the DHCP-REQUEST message successfully, and the state of
the DHCP client is changed from SELECTING to REQUESTING.
*0.111421 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Receive a packet.
*0.111421 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Receive a DHCP packet...
Head : op(BOOTPREPLY); htype(ETHERNET); hlen(6); xid(0x442ac688);
ciaddr(; yiaddr(; chaddr(00e0-fc14-1601);
Option : type(DHCPACK); mask(; lease(86400);
T1(43200); T2(75600); server(;
*0.111421 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: FSM state transfer(REQUESTING-->BOUND) successfully.
// The DHCP client received a DHCP-ACK message, and the state of the DHCP
client is changed from REQUESTING to OUND.
*0.111421 Sysname DHCPC/7/DHCP_Client:
Vlan-interface2: Begin to detect IP address conflict via ARP.