
display isis interface, using the display isis interface verbose command
displays other interface related information, such as CSNP packets broadcast
intervals, Hello packets broadcast intervals and the number of invalid Hello
Examples # Display IS-IS enabled interface information.
<Sysname> display isis interface
Interface information for ISIS(1)
Interface: Ethernet1/0
Id IPV4.State IPV6.State MTU Type DIS
001 Up Down 1497 L1/L2 No/No
# Display detailed IS-IS interface information.
<Sysname> display isis interface verbose
Interface information for ISIS(1)
Interface: Ethernet1/0
Id IPV4.State IPV6.State MTU Type DIS
001 Up Down 1497 L1/L2 No/No
SNPA Address : 0000-5e19-6d00
IP Address :
Secondary IP Address(es) :
IPV6 Link Local Address :
IPV6 Global Address(es) :
Csnp Timer Value : L1 10 L2 10
Hello Timer Value : L1 40 L2 10
Hello Multiplier Value : L1 3 L2 30
Lsp Timer Value : L12 1
Cost : L1 10 L2 10
Priority : L1 64 L2 64
Retransmit Timer Value : L12 5
BFD : Disabled
Table 235 Description on the fields of the display isis interface command
Field Description
Interface Interface
Id Circuit ID
IPV4.State IPv4 state
IPV6.State IPv6 state
MTU Interface MTU
Type Interface link type
DIS Designated IS
SNPA Address Subnet access point address
IP Address Primary IP address
Secondary IP Address(es) Secondary IP addresses
IPV6 Link Local Address IPv6 link local address
IPV6 Global Address(es) IPv6 global address
Csnp Timer Value Interval for sending CSNP packets
Hello Timer Value Interval for sending Hello packets