vpi/vci: VPI/VCI pair. VPI is short for virtual path identifier; its value ranges from 0
to 255. VCI is short for virtual channel identifier; its value range varies by interface
type. Normally, VCI values from 0 to 31 are reserved for special purpose, you are
not recommended to use them. For details regarding the value range, refer to
Table 28.
min: Minimum precedence of IP packets carried by the PVC, in the range 0 to 7.
max: Maximum precedence of IP packets carried by the PVC, in the range 0 to 7.
default: Uses the specified PVC as the default PVC.
Description Use the
ip-precedence command to let different PVCs in PVC-group carry IP
packets of different precedence levels.
Use the
undo ip-precedence command to delete the precedence configuration
of IP packets carried over PVC.
■ If the ip-precedence command is not configured, all IP packets, regardless of
their precedence levels, are transmitted over the primary PVC (the one used
when the PVC-group is created) in the PVC-group.
■ If this command is configured and the default keyword is used, which means
the current PVC is set as the default PVC, then all the IP packets without
specified precedence levels will be transmitted over this PVC.
■ If this command is used without using the default keyword, which means no
PVC is taken as the default PVC, all IP packets without specified precedence
levels are transmitted over the primary PVC.
■ This command is for configuration of the PVCs in the PVC-Group only. The
specified minimum preference min should be not greater than the specified
maximum preference max.
Note that this command does not change the precedence levels of IP packets.
Related command: pvc-group, pvc.
Example # Configure a PVC named “aa”, whose VPI/VCI is 1/32, to carry IP packets with
precedence level 0 to 3.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 1/0
[Sysname-Atm1/0] pvc-group aa 1/32
[Sysname-atm-pvc-group-Atm1/0-1/32-aa] ip-precedence aa 1/32 0 3
map bridge
Syntax map bridge virtual-ethernet interface-number
undo map bridge
View PVC view/ATM Class view