display qos car interface
Syntax display qos car interface [ interface-type interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameters interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
Description Use the
display qos car interface command to view parameter configuration
and running statistics of CAR at each or all interfaces.
If no interface is specified, CAR configuration and running statistics of all
interfaces will be displayed.
Examples # Display the CAR parameter configuration information and running statistic
information on each interface.
<Sysname> display qos car interface Ethernet1/0
Interface: Ethernet1/0
Direction: Inbound
Rule(s): If-match Any
CIR 10 (kbps), CBS 2000 (byte), EBS 0 (byte)
Green Action: pass
Red Action : discard
Green: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Red : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Direction: Outbound
Rule(s): If-match ACL 2002
CIR 10 (kbps), CBS 1875 (byte), EBS 0 (byte)
Green Action: pass
Red Action : discard
Green: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Red : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Table 472 Description on the fields of the display qos car command
Filed Description
Interface Interface name, consisting of interface type and interface number
Direction Specifies the direction of traffic policing.
Rule(s) Matching rules of packets
CIR Committed Information Rate, in kbps