T1-F interfaces support two framing formats, that is, SF and ESF. In SF format,
multiple frames can share the same FSC and signaling information, so that more
significant bits are available for transmitting user data. The use of ESF allows you
to test the system without affecting the ongoing service.
Example # Set the framing format of T1-F interface Serial 2/0 to SF.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] ft1 frame-format sf
ft1 idlecode
Syntax ft1 idlecode { 7e | ff }
undo ft1 idlecode
View T1-F interface view
Parameter 7e: Sets the line idle code to 0x7E.
ff: Sets the line idle code to 0xFF.
Description Use the
ft1 idlecode command to set the line idle code on the T1-F interface.
Two types of line idle code are available: 0x7E and 0xFF.
Use the
undo ft1 idlecode command to restore the default, that is, 0x7E.
The line idle code is sent in the timeslots that are not bundled into the logical
channels on the interface.
Example # Set the line idle code to 0x7E on T1-F interface Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] ft1 idlecode 7e
ft1 itf
Syntax ft1 itf { number number | type { 7e | ff }}
undo ft1 itf { type | number }
View T1-F interface view
Parameter number number: Sets the number of interframe filling tags (a interframe filling
tag is one byte in length). The number argument ranges from 0 to 14.