
Only 4SIC-FSW interface cards, 9DSIC-FSW interface cards, and the fixed
switching interfaces of 20-21 routers support work mode switching.
On an MSR series router, you can change the working mode to route mode for
up to two Ethernet interfaces.
After the working mode is changed, all parameters of the Ethernet interface
will be restored to the defaults in the current working mode.
Example # Configure Ethernet1/0 to work in bridge mode.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] display this
interface Ethernet1/0
port link-mode route
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] port link-mode bridge
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] display this
interface Ethernet1/0
port link-mode bridge
Use the display this command to display the current configurations.
reset counters interface
Syntax reset counters interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ]]
View User view
Parameter interface-type: Interface type.
interface-number: Interface number.
Description Use the
reset counters interface command to reset statistics for a specified
To sample network traffic within a period of time for an interface, you need to
reset the original interface statistics.
If neither interface type nor interface number is specified, all interface
information will be reset;
If only interface type is specified, then only information of this particular type
of interface will be reset.
If both interface type and interface number are specified, then only information
of the specified interface will be reset.