display arp vpn-instance
Syntax display arp vpn-instance vpn-instance-name [ | { begin | exclude | include } string |
count ]
View Any view
Parameter vpn-instance-name: Name of VPN instance, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31
characters. With this argument specified, the ARP entries for a specific VPN
instance are displayed.
|: Uses a regular expression to specify the ARP entries to be displayed.
begin: Displays the ARP entries from the first one that contains the specified
exclude: Displays the ARP entries that do not contain the specified string.
include: Displays the ARP entries that contain the specified string.
string: A case-sensitive string for matching, consisting of 1 to 256 characters.
count: Displays the number of ARP entries.
Description Use the
display arp vpn-instance command to display the ARP entries for a
specified VPN instance.
Related command: arp static and reset arp.
Example # Display ARP entries for the VPN instance named test.
<Sysname> display arp vpn-instance test
Type: S-Static D-Dynamic
IP Address MAC Address VLAN ID Interface Aging Type 00e0-fc00-0001 N/A N/A N/A S
naturemask-arp enable
Syntax naturemask-arp enable
undo naturemask-arp enable
View System view
Parameter None
Description Use the
naturemask-arp enable command to cancel the restriction that ARP
requests must be from the same subnet. In this case, ARP requests from a natural
network are supported.