display link-aggregation summary
Syntax display link-aggregation summary
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display link-aggregation summary command to display a summary
for all link aggregation groups.
Table 73 Description on the fields of display link-aggregation interface
Field Description
Flags One-octet LACP state flags field. From the least to the most
significant bit, they are represented by A through H as
■ A indicates whether LACP is enabled, 1 for enabled and
0 for disabled.
■ B indicates the timeout control value, 1 for short
timeout, and 0 for long timeout.
■ C indicates whether the sending system considers this
link to be aggregatable, 1 for true, and 0 for false.
■ D indicates whether the sending system considers that
this link is synchronized, 1 for true, and 0 for false.
■ E indicates whether the sending end considers that
collection of incoming frames is enabled on the link, 1
for true and 0 for false.
■ F indicates whether the sending system considers that
distribution of outgoing frames is enabled on the link, 1
for true and 0 for false.
■ G indicates whether the receive state machine of the
sending system is using default operational partner
information, 1 for true and 0 for false.
■ H indicates whether the receive state machine of the
sending system is in the expired state, 1 for true and 0
for false.
If a flag bit is set to 1, the corresponding English letter that
otherwise is not output displays.
Selected AggID ID of the link aggregation group of which this port is a
Port-Priority, Oper key, Flag
Local port LACP priority, operational key, LACP state flag
System ID, Port Number,
Port-Priority, Oper-key, Flag
Remote system ID, port number, port LACP priority,
operational key, and LACP state flag
Received LACP Packets, Illegal,
Sent LACP Packets
Statistics about received, invalid, and sent LACP packets