Example # Create a local DLSw peer with the following parameters:
■ IP address:
■ Initial local window size: 50
■ Keepalive interval: 40 seconds
■ Maximum frame size: default
■ Maximum local window size: default
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dlsw local init-window 50 keepalive 40
dlsw reachable
Syntax dlsw reachable { mac-address mac-address [ mask mask ] | mac-exclusivity | saps
saps-list }
undo dlsw reachable { mac-address mac-address | mac-exclusivity | saps saps-list }
View System view
Parameter mac-address: Local reachable MAC address of the router, in the form of H-H-H.
mask: MAC address mask in the form of H-H-H, functionally similar to a subnet
mac-exclusivity: Allows the router to access only those designated MAC
saps-list: List of local reachable SAP addresses of the router, in the form of
saps-list=saps-value&<1-120>, where saps-value must be an even number in the
range of 0x10 to 0xFE and &<1-120> means that you can specify up to 120 SAP
addresses or SAP address ranges with this argument.
Description Use the
dlsw reachable command to configure a local reachable MAC address
or SAP addresses of the router.
Use the
undo dlsw enable command to remove the reachability configuration.
After the dlsw reachable command is issued, the router notifies all connected
routers of the local reachable MAC address or SAP addresses. Based on this
information, the remote routers can decide whether to send frames to, without
first polling, this router.
Note that you must change the configuration in time when changes occur to the
local network.
Example # Permit access to MAC addresses that start with 1212.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dlsw reachable mac-address 1212-1212-1212 mask ffff-0000-0000
# Allow the router to access SAP addresses 12 and 14.