
Example # Create an SNMP group group1 on an SNMPv3 enabled device, no
authentication, no privacy.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp-agent group v3 group1
snmp-agent local-switch fabricid
Syntax snmp-agent local-switch fabricid switch fabricid
undo snmp-agent local-switch fabricid
View System view
Parameter switch fabricid: Engine ID, an even number of hexadecimal characters, in the
range 10 to 64. Its length must not be an odd number, and the all-zero and all-F
strings are invalid.
Description Use the
snmp-agent local-switch fabricid command to configure a local
switch fabric ID for an SNMP entity.
Use the
undo snmp-agent local-switch fabricid command to restore the
By default, the switch fabric ID of a device is the combination of company ID and
device ID. Device ID varies by product; it could be an IP address, a MAC address, or
a self-defined string of hexadecimal numbers.
Notice that if the newly configured switch fabric ID is not the same as the one
used for creating the USM user, the user is invalid.
Related command: snmp-agent usm-user.
Example # Configure the local switch fabric ID to be 123456789A.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp-agent local-switch fabricid 123456789A
snmp-agent log
Syntax snmp-agent log { all | get-operation | set-operation }
undo snmp-agent log { all | get-operation | set-operation }
View System view
Parameter all: Enables logging of SNMP GET and SET operations.
get-operation: Enables logging of SNMP GET operation.