undo special-character character number
View R2 CAS view
Parameter character: Special character, which can be a pound sign (#) or asterisk (*), A, B, C,
or D.
number: Code of register signal, in the range 11 to 16.
Description Use the
special-character command to configure the special characters
acceptable during register signal exchange.
Use the
undo special-character command to remove the configured special
By default, no special characters are configured.
This command applies to R2 signaling only.
You may need to configure this command to accommodate to some national R2
signaling variants where Group I forward signals can represent special characters
such as pound signs (#) and asterisks (*) in addition to digits.
■ You cannot use the special-character command to assign a special character
different signal values.
■ To ensure that the device can process calls correctly, assign special characters
different signal values.
Example # Assign the pound sign (#) the register signal code 11.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller e1 1/0
[Sysname-e1 1/0] timeslot-set 0 timeslot-list 1-31 signal r2
[Sysname-e1 1/0] cas 0
[Sysname-cas1/0:0] special-character # 11
subscriber line
Syntax subscriber line slot-number:{ ts-set-number | 15 | 23 }
View Voice view
Parameter slot-number: Number of the voice subscriber line automatically created upon
creation of a TS group or ISDN PRI set.
ts-set-number: Number of the TS group that has been created.
15: Indicates the subscriber line is created for the ISDN PRI set created on an E1