query: Queries status of the trunk circuit of specified timeslots to see whether the
circuit is busy, open, or blocked in real time.
reset: Resets the trunk circuit of specified timeslots when it cannot automatically
reset. You may need to do this if the state of an administratively blocked or
opened circuit cannot recover for example.
timeslots timeslots-list: Specifies a timeslot range. Timeslots are numbered 1
through 31 on for an E1 interface and 1 through 24 for a T1 interface. You may
specify a single timeslot by specifying a number, a range of timeslots by specifying
a range in the form of number1-number2, or several discrete timeslots by
specifying number1, number2-number3. Examples are 1-14, 15, 17-31.
Description Use the
ts command to maintain the trunk circuit of specified timeslots.
The ts query command is available in R2 CAS view, digital E&M CAS view, and
digital LGS CAS view.
Related command: cas.
Example # Reset the circuit of timeslots 1 through 15 in TS5 and query the status of the
circuit of TS1 through TS31.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller e1 1/0
[Sysname-e1 1/0] timeslot-set 5 timeslot-list 1-31 signal r2
[Sysname-e1 1/0] cas 5
[Sysname-cas1/0:5] ts reset timeslots 1-15
[Sysname-cas1/0:5] ts query timeslots 1-31