
Syntax register-number
undo register-number
View POTS entity view
Parameter None
Description Use the
register-number command to enable the VoIP gateway to register
numbers of a voice entity with an H.323 gatekeeper or SIP server.
Use the
undo register-number command to disable a gateway from registering
numbers of a voice entity with an H.323 gatekeeper or SIP server.
By default, the VoIP gateway registers numbers of the POTS voice entity with an
H.323 gatekeeper (GK) or SIP server.
In some cases, you need to configure the same POTS entity on multiple gateways.
As a GK and a SIP server cannot have the same number, you cannot register a
POTS entity with a GK and a SIP server at the same time.
In other cases, you may need to register only some port numbers on the gateway
with a GK or a SIP server to meet some special requirements. You can use the
undo register-number command to specify the voice entity whose number does
not need to be registered.
Related command: match-template.
Example # Specify the gateway not to register the numbers of POTS entity 10.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] dial-program
[Sysname-voice-dial] entity 10 pots
[Sysname-voice-dial-entity10] undo register-number
reset voice cmc statistic
Syntax reset voice cmc statistic
View User view
Parameter None
Description Use the
reset voice cmc statistic command to clear calling statistics on CMC