
In the default configuration of the interface, the dialer-group command is not
configured. You must configure this command for DCC to send packets.
Related command: dialer-rule.
Example # Add interface Serial 2/0 to dialer access group 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dialer-rule 1 acl 3101
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] dialer-group 1
Syntax dialer-rule group-number { protocol-name { deny | permit } | acl acl-number | name
acl-name }
undo dialer-rule group-number
View System view
Parameter group-number: Number of a dialer access group, same as the group-number
argument in the dialer-group command. It ranges from 1 to 255.
protocol-name: Network protocol, which can take ip or ipx.
deny: Denies packets of the specified protocol.
permit: Permits packets of the specified protocol.
acl acl-number: Specifies an ACL by its ACL number. The acl-number argument
ranges from 2000 to 3999. An ACL number in the range 2000 to 2999 identifies a
basic ACL; an ACL number in the range 3000 to 3999 identifies an advanced ACL.
name acl-name: Specifies an ACL by its name.
Description Use the
dialer-rule command to set the condition for a DCC call to be placed for
a dialer access group either by directly configuring a rule or by referencing an ACL.
Use the
undo dialer-rule command to remove the setting.
You may configure a dial ACL to filter traffic that traverses a dial interface. Packets
fall into two categories, depending on whether they are in compliance with the
permit or deny statements in the dial ACL.
Packets that match a permit statement or that do not match any deny
statements. When receiving such a packet, DCC either sends it out if a link is
present and resets the idle-timeout timer or originates a new call to set up a
link if no link is present.
Packets that do not match any permit statements or that match a deny
statement. When receiving such a packet, DCC either sends it out without