defined without the to interface-type interface-number portion comprises only
one port.
Description Use the
display garp timer command to display GARP timers.
Note that:
■ If the interface interface-list keyword-argument combination is not specified,
this command displays the GARP timer settings of all the ports.
■ If the interface interface-list keyword-argument combination is specified, this
command displays the GARP timer settings of the specified ports.
Related command: garp timer, garp timer leaveall.
Example # Display GARP timers on port Ethernet 1/0.
<Sysname> display garp timer interface ethernet 1/0
GARP timers on port Ethernet1/0
Garp Join Time : 20 centiseconds
Garp Leave Time : 60 centiseconds
Garp LeaveAll Time : 1000 centiseconds
Garp Hold Time : 10 centiseconds
garp timer
Syntax garp timer { hold | join | leave } timer-value
undo garp timer { hold | join | leave }
View Ethernet interface view, port group view
Parameter hold: Sets the hold timer.
join: Sets the join timer.
leave: Sets the leave timer.
timer-value: Timer setting (in centiseconds), which must be a multiple of 5.
Description Use the
garp timer command to set a GARP timer for an Ethernet port or all
ports in a port group in compliance with the timer setting dependencies shown in
Table 53.
Use the
undo garp timer command to restore the default of a GARP timer. This
may fail if the default does not satisfy the dependencies shown in Table 53.
By default, the hold timer, the join timer, and the leave timer are set to 10
centiseconds, 20 centiseconds, and 60 centiseconds.