This command is one of the if-match clauses of a route policy, used for filtering
BGP routing information and specifying match criteria according to the AS path
attribute of routing information.
Related commands: route-policy, ip as-path acl.
Examples # Define as-path-acl 2, allowing routing information containing AS 200 or 300 to
pass. Define routing policy test with node 10, and set an if-match clause using the
as-path-acl for matching.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ip as-path 2 permit _*200.*300
[Sysname] route-policy test permit node 10
[Sysname-route-policy] if-match as-path 2
if-match community
Syntax if-match community { basic-community-list-number [ whole-match ] |
adv-community-list-number }&<1-16>
undo if-match community [ basic-community-list-number |
adv-community-list-number ]&<1-16>
View Routing policy view
Parameters basic-community-list-number: Basic community list number, in the range of 1 to
adv-community-list-number: Advanced community list number, in the range of
100 to 199.
whole-match: Specifies the exact match. All and only the specified communities
must be present.
&<1-16>: Indicates the argument before it can be entered up to 16 times.
Description Use the
if-match community command to specify community list(s) for
matching against the community attribute of BGP routing information.
Use the
undo if-match community command to remove the match criterion.
The match criterion is not configured by default.
This command is one of the if-match clauses of route policy, used for filtering BGP
routing information and specifying match criterion according to the community
attribute of BGP routing information.
Related commands: route-policy and ip community-list.