Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 43 of 760
Instruction Operation Code
Mode Cycles T Bit
NEG Rm,Rn 0–Rm → Rn 0110nnnnmmmm1011 —1—
NEGC Rm,Rn 0–Rm–T → Rn,
Borrow → T
0110nnnnmmmm1010 — 1 Borrow
SUB Rm,Rn Rn–Rm → Rn 0011nnnnmmmm1000 —1—
SUBC Rm,Rn Rn–Rm–T → Rn,
Borrow → T
0011nnnnmmmm1010 — 1 Borrow
SUBV Rm,Rn Rn–Rm → Rn,
Underflow → T
0011nnnnmmmm1011 — 1 Underflow
Note: * The normal number of execution cycles is shown. The value in parentheses is the number
of cycles required in case of contention with the preceding or following instruction.