Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 446 of 760
14.2.9 Bit Rate Register (SCBRR)
The bit rate register (SCBRR) is an 8-bit register that, together with the baud rate generator clock
source selected by the CKS1 and CKS0 bits in the serial mode register (SCSMR), determines the
serial transmit/receive bit rate.
The CPU can always read and write to SCBRR. SCBRR is initialized to H'FF by a reset, and in
module standby or standby mode. Each channel has independent baud rate generator control, so
different values can be set in two channels.
Initial value:11111111
R/W: R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
The SCBRR setting is calculated as follows:
Asynchronous mode: N =
64 × 2
2n – 1
× B
× 10
– 1
Synchronous mode: N =
8 × 2
2n – 1
× B
× 10
– 1
B: Bit rate (bits/s)
N: SCBRR setting for baud rate generator (0 ≤ N ≤ 255)
Pφ: Operating frequency for peripheral modules (MHz)
n: Baud rate generator clock source (n = 0, 1, 2, 3) (for the clock sources and values of
n, see table 14.3.)
Table 14.3 SCSMR Settings
SCSMR Settings
n Clock Source CKS1 CKS0
0Pφ 00
1Pφ/4 0 1
2Pφ/16 1 0
3Pφ/64 1 1
Note: The bit rate error in asynchronous is given by the following formula:
Error (%) = (
Pφ × 10
(N + 1) × B × 64 × 2
2n – 1
) × 100