Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 534 of 760
16.2.9 FIFO Control Register (SCFCR)
Initial value:00000000
R/W: R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
The FIFO control register (SCFCR) resets the quantity of data in the transmit and receive FIFO
registers, sets the trigger data quantity, and contains an enable bit for loop-back testing. SCFCR
can always be read and written to by the CPU. It is initialized to H'00 by a reset, by the module
standby function, and in standby mode.
Bits 7 and 6—Receive FIFO Data Trigger (RTRG1, RTRG0): Set the quantity of receive data
which sets the receive data full (RDF) flag in the serial status register (SCSSR). The RDF flag is
set to 1 when the quantity of receive data stored in the receive FIFO register (SCFRDR) exceeds
the set trigger number shown below.
Bit 7: RTRG1 Bit 6: RTRG0 Receive Trigger Number
0 0 1 (Initial value)
Bits 5 and 4—Transmit FIFO Data Trigger (TTRG1, TTRG0): Set the quantity of remaining
transmit data which sets the transmit FIFO data register empty (TDFE) flag in the serial status
register (SCSSR). The TDFE flag is set to 1 when the quantity of transmit data in the transmit
FIFO data register (SCFTDR) becomes less than the set trigger number shown below.
Bit 5: TTRG1 Bit 4: TTRG0 Transmit Trigger Number
008 (8)
0 1 4 (12)
1 0 2 (14)
1 1 1 (15)
Note: * Initial value. Values in parentheses mean the number of empty bits in SCFTDR when the
TDFE flag is set to 1.