Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 491 of 760
15.1.3 Pin Configuration
Table 15.1 summarizes the smart card interface pins.
Table 15.1 Smart Card Interface Pins
Pin Name Abbreviation I/O Function
Serial clock pin SCK0 Output Clock output
Receive data pin RxD0 Input Receive data input
Transmit data pin TxD0 Output Transmit data output
15.1.4 Smart Card Interface Registers
Table 15.2 summarizes the registers used by the smart card interface. The SCSMR, SCBRR,
SCSCR, SCTDR, and SCRDR registers are the same as for the normal SCI function. They are
described in section 14, Serial Communication Interface (SCI).
Table 15.2 Registers
Name Abbreviation R/W Initial Value
Address Access Size
Serial mode register SCSMR R/W H'00 H'FFFFFE80 8
Bit rate register SCBRR R/W H'FF H'FFFFFE82 8
Serial control register SCSCR R/W H'00 H'FFFFFE84 8
Transmit data register SCTDR R/W H'FF H'FFFFFE86 8
Serial status register SCSSR R/(W)
H'84 H'FFFFFE88 8
Receive data register SCRDR R H'00 H'FFFFFE8A 8
Smart card mode register SCSCMR R/W H'00
Notes: 1. Only 0 can be written, to clear the flags.
2. Bits 0, 2, and 3 are cleared. The value of the other bits is undefined.
3. Initialized by a power-on or manual reset.