Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 561 of 760
17.2 Register Description
Specifications of the registers in the IrDA are the same as those in the SCIF except for the serial
mode register described below. Therefore, refer to section 16, Serial Communication Interface
with FIFO (SCIF), for details of these registers.
17.2.1 Serial Mode Register (SCSMR)
Initial value:00000000
R/W: R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
SCSMR is an 8-bit register that selects IrDA or SCIF mode, specifies the SCIF serial
communication format, selects the IrDA output pulse width, and selects the baud rate generator
clock source.
This module operates as IrDA when the IRMOD bit is set to 1. At this time, bits 3 to 6 are fixed at
0. This register functions in the same way as the SCSMR register in the SCIF when the IRMOD
bit is cleared to 0; therefore, this module can also operate as an SCIF.
SCSMR is initialized to H'00 by a power-on reset or manual reset, when the module is stopped by
the module standby function, and in standby mode.
Bit 7—IrDA Mode (IRMOD): Selects whether this module operates as an IrDA serial
communication interface or as an SCIF.
Bit 7: IRMOD Description
0 Operates as an SCIF (Initial value)
Operates as an IrDA
Note: * Do not set the CKE1 bit in the serial control register (SCSCRT) to 1 if the IRMCD bit is set
to 1.