
Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 392 of 760
12.2 TMU Registers
12.2.1 Timer Output Control Register (TOCR)
TOCR is an 8-bit readable/writable register that selects whether to use the external TCLK pin as
an external clock or an input capture control usage input pin, or an output pin for the on-chip RTC
output clock. TOCR is initialized to H'00 by a power-on reset or manual reset, but is not initialized
in standby mode.
Initial value:00000000
Bits 7 to 1—Reserved: These bits are always read as 0. The write value should always be 0.
Bit 0—Timer Clock Pin Control (TCOE): Selects use of the timer clock pin (TCLK) as an
external clock output pin or input pin for input capture control for the on-chip timer, or as an
output pin for the on-chip RTC output clock. Since the TCLK pin is multiplexed as the PTH7 pin,
when the pin is used as TCLK, bits PH7MD1 and PH7MD0 in the PHCR register should be set to
00 (the "other function" setting).
Bit 0: TCOE Description
0 Timer clock pin (TCLK) used as external clock input or input capture control
input pin for the on-chip timer (Initial value)
1 Timer clock pin (TCLK) used as output pin for on-chip RTC output clock
12.2.2 Timer Start Register (TSTR)
TSTR is an 8-bit readable/writable register that selects whether to run or halt the timer counters
(TCNT) for channels 0–2. TSTR is initialized to H'00 by a power-on reset or manual reset, but is
not initialized in standby mode when the input clock selected for the channel is the on-chip RTC
clock (RTCCLK). Only when an external clock (TCLK) or the peripheral clock (Pφ) is used as the
input clock, it is initialized in standby mode when the multiplication ratio of PLL circuit 1 is
changed or when the MSTP2 bit in STBCR is set to 1.
Initial value:00000000