Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 436 of 760
Bit 3—Stop Bit Length (STOP): Selects one or two bits as the stop bit length in asynchronous
mode. This setting is used only in asynchronous mode. It is ignored in synchronous mode because
no stop bits are added.
When receiving, only the first stop bit is checked, regardless of the STOP bit setting. If the second
stop bit is 1, it is treated as a stop bit, but if the second stop bit is 0, it is treated as the start bit of
the next incoming character.
Bit 3: STOP Description
0 One stop bit
(Initial value)
1 Two stop bits
Notes: 1. When transmitting, a single 1-bit is added at the end of each transmitted character.
2. When transmitting, two 1-bits are added at the end of each transmitted character.
Bit 2—Multiprocessor Mode (MP): Selects multiprocessor format. When multiprocessor format
is selected, settings of the parity enable (PE) and parity mode (O/E) bits are ignored. The MP bit
setting is used only in asynchronous mode; it is ignored in synchronous mode. For the
multiprocessor communication function, see section 14.3.3, Multiprocessor Communication.
Bit 2: MP Description
0 Multiprocessor function disabled (Initial value)
1 Multiprocessor format selected
Bits 1 and 0—Clock Select 1 and 0 (CKS1, CKS0): Select the internal clock source of the on-
chip baud rate generator. Four clock sources are available. Pφ, Pφ/4, Pφ/16 and Pφ/64 can be set
according to the setting of the CKS1 and CKS0 bits. For further information on the clock source,
bit rate register settings, and baud rate, see section 14.2.9, Bit Rate Register (SCBRR).
Bit 1: CKS1 Bit 0: CKS0 Description
00Pφ (Initial value)
Note: Pφ: Peripheral clock