Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 469 of 760
Receiving Multiprocessor Serial Data: Figure 14.15 shows a sample flowchart
for receiving
multiprocessor serial data. The procedure for receiving multiprocessor serial data is:
1. ID receive cycle: Set the MPIE bit in the serial control register (SCSCR) to 1.
2. SCI status check and compare to ID reception: Read the serial status register (SCSSR), check
that RDRF is set to 1, then read data from the receive data register (SCRDR) and compare with
the processor’s own ID. If the ID does not match the receive data, set MPIE to 1 again and
clear RDRF to 0. If the ID matches the receive data, clear RDRF to 0.
3. SCI status check and data receiving: Read SCSSR, check that RDRF is set to 1, then read data
from the receive data register (SCRDR).
4. Receive error handling and break detection: If a receive error occurs, read the ORER and FER
bits in SCSSR to identify the error. After executing the necessary error handling, clear both
ORER and FER to 0. Receiving cannot resume if ORER or FER remain set to 1. When a
framing error occurs, the RxD pin can be read to detect the break state.