Rev. 5.00, 09/03, page 138 of 760
6.3.6 Interrupt Request Register 0 (IRR0)
IRR0 is an 8-bit register that indicates interrupt requests from external input pins IRQ0 to IRQ5
and PINT0 to PINT15. This register is initialized to H'00 by a power-on reset or manual reset, but
is not initialized in standby mode.
Initial value:00000000
R/W: R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
When clearing an IRQ5R–IRQ0R bit to 0, read the bit while bit set to 1, and then write 0. In this
case, 0 should be written only to the bits to be cleared and 1 to the other bits. The contents of the
bits to which 1 is written do not change.
Bit 7—PINT0 to PINT7 Interrupt Request (PINT0R): Indicates whether there is interrupt
request input to pins PINT0 to PINT7.
Bit 7: PINT0R Description
0 No interrupt request to pins PINT0 to PINT7 (Initial value)
1 Interrupt to pins PINT0 to PINT7
Bit 6—PINT8 to PINT15 Interrupt Request (PINT1R): Indicates whether there is interrupt
request input to pins PINT8 to PINT15.
Bit 6: PINT1R Description
0 No interrupt request input to pins PINT8 to PINT15 (Initial value)
1 Interrupt request input to pins PINT8 to PINT15
Bit 5—IRQ5 Interrupt Request (IRQ5R): Indicates whether there is interrupt request input to
the IRQ5 pin. When edge detection mode is set for IRQ5, an interrupt request is cleared by
clearing the IRQ5R bit.
Bit 5: IRQ5R Description
0 No interrupt request input to IRQ5 pin (Initial value)
1 Interrupt request input to IRQ5 pin